The Ocean Action Network

Blue Komune is evolving
We are currently working on a new version
of the platform
To be released soon

Take a virtual tour
The ocean with a curling wave

A network like no other

Blue Komune is an alternative digital network that powers better cooperation amongst all the ocean stakeholders involved in sustainable ocean actions.

  • Dedicated to achieving the goals of SDG 14 and building a sustainable blue economy
  • Open to ALL ocean stakeholders
  • Fully disintermediated, where members interact directly with each other to drive their ocean action agenda
  • From very local to global in geographic scope
  • Action focused

You're an ocean stakeholder

Whether you're an entrepreneur, a researcher, a scientist, an employee, a volunteer, an activist, an industrialist, a student, an investor, a politician, a member of an association, a fisherman, a sportsman, an artist...

Whether you're a public authority, a local community organization, a company, an association, an NGO, a financial institution, a university, a foundation...

Whether you act locally, regionally or globally…

Your place is on Blue Komune

You have a sustainable ocean action agenda

Whether you’re involved in ocean climate action, in marine biodiversity conservation, in the sustainable development of marine resources, or in marine pollution prevention and remediation…

Your place is on Blue Komune

You have specific, unmet needs

Whether you're in need of sourcing partners, talent, funding, innovation, scientific research, in-kind support, data or you simply wish to better manage your collaboration with other organizations in support of your ocean agenda...

Your place is on Blue Komune

You want to accelerate your impact

If you want to build impactful connections to further your mission...

Your place is on Blue Komune

Tackle ocean challenges together

Blue Komune aims to address the entire spectrum of ocean sustainability challenges. With this ambition in mind, our first goal is to unite and engage ocean stakeholders via 3 initial task forces - blue carbon, marine protected areas, and seaweed and algae - with others to follow soon.

Climate resilience

Green shipping

Green ports

Ocean energy

Blue carbon sinks

Climate change

Marine biodiversity

Marine ecosystems

Marine habitats

Marine species

Marine protected areas

Coastal infrastructures

Marine resources

Sustainable fisheries


Seaweed and algae

Blue biotech

Mineral resources

Marine tourism

Marine pollution

Plastic pollution

Maritime pollution

Noise pollution

Light pollution

Chemical pollution

Leverage the platform

Blue Komune recently launched the beta version of its multi-modular digital collaborative platform, and welcomes your feedback.
Take a virtual tour

This dedicated ocean professional network allows members to easily find, connect, and collaborate with their peers. It's also a collective action marketplace, and a distributed knowledge exchange portal facilitating the flow of information.


Join a thematic ocean sustainability task force and invite your peers.


Share needs with other community members.

Take action

Create your first call to action and start mobilizing others.

Interface of the Blue Komune web application

Connect with like-minded professionals

Find out who's doing what, where, and why and accelerate your impact by building your network.

  • Activists and industrialists

  • Entrepreneurs and scientists

  • Researchers and explorers

  • NGOs and local authorities

  • Ocean divers and investors

Build your action communities

You need the ocean. You protect the ocean. Your place is on Blue Komune.